Change The Following Sentences Into Passive Voice

Passive voice is a grammatical voice common in English where the subject receives the action of the verb. By using passive voice, you can shift the focus of the sentence from the doer of the action to the receiver of the action. Changing sentences into passive voice is a useful skill in writing, as it can create variety and emphasis in your writing. In this article, we will discuss how to change sentences into passive voice in Bahasa Indonesia.

1. What is Passive Voice?

Passive voice adalah suatu bentuk kalimat di mana subjek menerima aksi dari kata kerja. Dalam passive voice, subjek tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi dari objek. Penggunaan passive voice dapat mempengaruhi fokus kalimat dari pelaku aksi menjadi penerima aksi. Mengubah kalimat menjadi passive voice dapat memberikan variasi dan penekanan yang berbeda dalam penulisan. Di bawah ini, akan dibahas cara mengubah kalimat menjadi passive voice dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

2. How to Change Sentences Into Passive Voice

There are several steps to change sentences into passive voice:

  • Identify the subject, verb, and object: To change a sentence into passive voice, you need to identify the subject, verb, and object in the active sentence. The object of the active sentence will become the subject of the passive sentence.
  • Move the object to the front of the sentence: After identifying the object, move it to the front of the sentence to become the new subject.
  • Use the appropriate form of the verb “to be”: Depending on the tense of the active sentence, use the appropriate form of the verb “to be” before the past participle of the main verb.
  • Add the past participle of the main verb: Finally, add the past participle of the main verb to complete the passive sentence.

3. Examples of Changing Sentences Into Passive Voice

Let’s look at some examples of changing sentences into passive voice in Bahasa Indonesia:

  • Active Voice: Aku membeli buku itu di toko buku. (I bought the book at the bookstore)
  • Passive Voice: Buku itu dibeli olehku di toko buku. (The book was bought by me at the bookstore)
  • Active Voice: Ani akan menulis surat itu besok. (Ani will write the letter tomorrow)
  • Passive Voice: Surat itu akan ditulis oleh Ani besok. (The letter will be written by Ani tomorrow)
  • Active Voice: Mereka sedang memperbaiki mobil di bengkel. (They are fixing the car at the workshop)
  • Passive Voice: Mobil sedang diperbaiki oleh mereka di bengkel. (The car is being fixed by them at the workshop)

4. Why Use Passive Voice?

There are several reasons why you might want to use passive voice in your writing:

  • Emphasize the receiver of the action: Passive voice allows you to emphasize the receiver of the action rather than the doer of the action. This can be useful when the receiver is more important or you want to create a sense of mystery.
  • Avoid blaming or accusing: Passive voice can be useful when you want to avoid blaming or accusing someone directly. By using passive voice, you can soften the impact of the sentence.
  • Focus on the action itself: Passive voice can help you focus on the action itself rather than the person performing the action. This can create a more objective tone in your writing.

5. Tips for Using Passive Voice Effectively

Here are some tips for using passive voice effectively in your writing:

  • Use passive voice sparingly: While passive voice can be useful, using it too frequently can make your writing sound dull and unengaging. Use passive voice selectively for emphasis and variety.
  • Be clear and concise: Make sure your passive sentences are clear and concise. Avoid using passive voice if it makes your sentences convoluted or difficult to understand.
  • Consider the context: Before using passive voice, consider the context of your writing. Passive voice may be more appropriate in formal or scientific writing, while active voice is often preferred in informal writing.

6. Conclusion

Passive voice is a useful grammatical structure that can help you vary your writing style and focus on different aspects of a sentence. By changing sentences into passive voice, you can emphasize the receiver of the action, create a sense of objectivity, and avoid direct blame or accusation. Remember to use passive voice selectively and consider the context of your writing for the best results.

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